Raidbots Blog

Web Tools for WoW Nerds

Monthly Archives: October 2012

Forums Decomissioned

I’ve gone ahead and taken down the forums completely to eliminate all possibility of malware.

For feedback, please head to the Raidbots Blog and leave a comment on a news post or the bugs page.

Details about Forum Malware.  For nerds!

I tried every reasonable option: installed a clean and up-to-date version of the forum software, ran rkhunter and clamav, used several other online malware detection tools, removed third party middleware, compared source code to clean versions, ran full filesystem scans for the malicious sites in both normal text and base64 encoded versions, and more.  Nothing showed up anywhere.

I was never able to see what Google was reporting as malware even with the Google Webmaster “Fetch as Google” tools – many forms of web malware only display themselves to the Googlebot in an attempt to artificially raise otherwise unsavory websites.  I was completely unable to reproduce conditions where I could even see the malicious links that Google reported.

Pretty annoying.

I still have no idea how my site was compromised.  It’s possible that my site was flagged as some sort of false positive but Google continued to flag the forums site every time I marked the site as clean.

I’m still very curious about what was actually going on so I can avoid situations like this in the future.  If anyone has an ideas, I’d love to hear it.

Forum Malware (Updated)

Update 10/20: I’ve updated the forum software and run a battery of anti-virus and rootkit tests against the system.  Everything checks out and I’m unable to reproduce the problems found by Google.  I’ve requested a review of the site to ensure no malware is being hosted on the forums.  Let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary!

I’m aware that Google has flagged the forum site as having had malware at some point in the last week.

First off, this doesn’t affect the main site.  The forums are located on a different host in a different data center.  So the main site should be fine and shouldn’t put anyone at risk.
I’m looking into the issue but I haven’t directly seen any of the malicious JavaScript that Google is reporting.  It seems that the malware was either temporary or has gone dormant on the forums.  I’ll be performing a deep scan for malicious scripts and making sure that the forum software is brought back up-to-date.
I sincerely hope no one was affected and will resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Monk Data Available

There was a bug in my code that left monks in the dark.  I’ve fixed the issue and am rerunning all the parses from last week.  Monk data should be available by tomorrow afternoon.

Sorry for the mixup!

Update 1AM EST: I am seeing some monks appear in EpeenBot.  Let me know if any issues remain.  They won’t entirely work for another hour or so as the percentiles have yet to be calculated for the new data.  That should likely be done by 2 or 3AM EST.

MoP Normal Data Available

Data has started flowing back into the site.  Right now WOL is unable to differentiate between normal and heroic which is why the main page appears to not have been updated.  This will be fixed sometime in the near future but for the moment you’ll have to switch to normal.  I’m considering switching it to normal and then switching back but I fear folks might get more confused than they already are at the blank state of the home page.  We shall see.

You can hop directly to 25 Normal Spec Score with this URL:

Some people have been sending me some issues with EpeenBot and others (thank you for the reports!  I will respond when I fix them!) and I’ll be taking a look at those when I have some time, probably this weekend.

There will be some more kinks.  World of Logs is dealing with some combat log changes that Blizzard implemented that make determining difficulty and size much harder than it used to be.  There will definitely be bugs in the short term as they figure out how to solve those problems.

Let me know if anything else isn’t quite working correctly!

MoP Data Coming Soon!

TLDR; Sorry for the late updates – I was on vacation right before MoP hit and RL work has been quite busy so the Raidbots updates fell by the wayside a bit.


There’s been a bit of a delay in getting updated for MoP but that should be fixed in not too long if all goes well.  Most of the website code has been updated to handle Monks and the new raids.  I’m working to coordinate some aspects of the World of Logs data export with the awesome WOL guys and then basically run all the new data from the launch of MoP until now.

Once that’s all done, everything should return to normal and data should flow in every day as you’ve come to expect!  I’m hoping to have it fixed up over the weekend so check back soon!